Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dead Sea and the wrap up

The cave where many of the scrolls were found.

The Dead Sea from the ruins of the Essenes

Our lovely guide Rami

After a long intense week, we celebrated together at the Dead Sea.  I love these ladies.

Vanessa getting a weird Jewish chicken blessing outside Jaffa Gate.

Vanessa and her chicken dude

The street in the Old City of Jerusalem where a few of us would walk each morning at 5am, to the Holy Sepulchre.  During the day this is a busy marketplace but early morning, no one is out.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Jordan River

Where  Elijah was taken to heaven and where Jesus was baptized by John.  

Mt of Temptation - Jericho

Jericho is the oldest city in the world.  It dates back 10,000 years.  This is where the devil brought Jesus twice to tempt him.  At the very top is the shrine.  Halfway up the mountain is some sort of restaurant which we did not go to.

We had lunch here instead

On the same mountain there is a monastery which is on the right side of the picture.  To the left you can see caves.  This is where the hermits live.


Bethany is where Jesus would stay with his dear friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  Is is where he raised Lazarus from the dead.

Going down into the tomb.

Crawling in...

Inside the tomb with my friend

Climbing back out... With my gift for falling down stairs, I was glad I navigated these well!

Then we had the opportunity for a camel ride.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wailing wall

The men's side
The female side.  It's much smaller and much more crowded.
Washing fountain before you enter.

Jesus is condemned

The Praetorium, where Pilate condemned Jesus to death.
The altar of the Church of the Flagellation.
The ceiling is a crown of thorns
The Way of the Cross
We took turns carrying a cross through the streets to Mt Calvary

St Anne's - Birthplace of Our Lady

The baths where Jesus healed the crippled man on the Sabbath.

St Ann and the child Mary

St Peter in Gallicantu

The doors leading into the church.  It is Caiaphas' house, where Jesus was taken for questioning and where Peter denied Him 3 times, and then heard the rooster crow.

The opening to the pit where Jesus was held.

Inside the pit.
The stairs where Jesus would have walked up after being betrayed.
The sculpture of Peter denying Jesus.

Potters Field

Where Judas met his end.  There is now a monestary on the site.  I'm not sure which one... Possibly Franciscan.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Cenacle - The upper room of the last supper

Where the last supper took place.  Also this is where the risen Christ appeared to his disciples and where they received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

Church of the Assumption

The area where Mary was laying on the burial slab is enclosed.  We believe she was assumed to heaven here.
The slab
Another view 
Stairs leading out of the church
Guys on the step with the contraband guitar.  The priests inside were very perturbed by the guitar.