Thursday, September 5, 2013

Altar of St Peter's in Joffa

Inside the church of St. Peter in Joffa.  We had mass here.  Joffa is the place where Peter had the vision of the animals God had made clean.  It is also the place where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead and where Peter was staying when he was summoned by Cornelius to go to Cesarea and share the good news with him and the other Gentiles of Cornelius' family.


  1. Karyn,
    This is such a glorious image. I cannot believe how the holy spirit just glows on the altar. So appreciative of you sharing with us as you go, what a gift!
    God Bless,

  2. That was my most favorite part of this church. That and the painting of Peter and the angel behind the altar...
